X (formerly Twitter) Card Preview

Preview your X (formerly Twitter) card to ensure it looks great on social media.

Best Practices

  • Use high-quality images (minimum 800x418 pixels for best display)
  • Keep titles concise and compelling (under 70 characters)
  • Write descriptions that provide context (under 200 characters)
  • Always include alt text for images to improve accessibility
  • Test your cards using this tool before publishing

X Card Types

  • Summary Card: A compact card with a small thumbnail image
  • Summary Card with Large Image: Features a prominent image above the text
  • App Card: Specifically designed to showcase mobile applications
  • Player Card: Embeds video, audio, or other media players

X Cards Markup Tag Reference

PropertyDescriptionOpen Graph Fallback
twitter:cardThe card type (summary, summary_large_image, app, player)og:type (with conditions)
twitter:site / twitter:site:id@username or ID of website (Required)N/A
twitter:creator / twitter:creator:id@username or ID of content creatorN/A
twitter:titleTitle of content (max 70 characters)og:title
twitter:descriptionDescription of content (max 200 characters)og:description
twitter:imageURL of image to use in the cardog:image
twitter:image:altText description of the image for accessibilityog:image:alt
twitter:playerHTTPS URL of player iframeN/A
twitter:player:widthWidth of iframe in pixelsN/A
twitter:player:heightHeight of iframe in pixelsN/A
twitter:player:streamURL to raw video or audio streamN/A
twitter:app:name:iphoneName of your iPhone appN/A
twitter:app:id:iphoneYour app ID in the iTunes App StoreN/A
twitter:app:url:iphoneYour app's custom URL schemeN/A
twitter:app:name:ipadName of your iPad optimized appN/A
twitter:app:id:ipadYour app ID in the iTunes App StoreN/A
twitter:app:url:ipadYour app's custom URL schemeN/A
twitter:app:name:googleplayName of your Android appN/A
twitter:app:id:googleplayYour app ID in the Google Play StoreN/A
twitter:app:url:googleplayYour app's custom URL schemeN/A