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How To Get Your Shopify Website Indexed by Google - A Comprehensive Guide

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As a Shopify store owner, getting your website indexed by Google is crucial for attracting organic traffic and potential customers. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of ensuring your Shopify website is properly indexed by Google, helping you improve your visibility in search results and drive more traffic to your online store.

Understanding Google Indexing

Before diving into the specifics of getting your Shopify website indexed, it's essential to understand what indexing means and why it's important.

What is Google Indexing?

Google indexing is the process by which Google discovers, crawls, and adds web pages to its search index. When a page is indexed, it becomes eligible to appear in Google search results for relevant queries.

Why is Indexing Important for Your Shopify Store?

Proper indexing is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Visibility: Indexed pages can appear in search results, making your store discoverable to potential customers.
  2. Organic Traffic: Indexed pages can drive free, organic traffic to your store.
  3. Credibility: Being present in Google search results can enhance your store's credibility.

Steps to Get Your Shopify Website Indexed by Google

Follow these steps to ensure your Shopify website is properly indexed by Google:

1. Create and Submit a Sitemap

A sitemap is an XML file that lists all the important pages on your website. It helps search engines understand your site structure and find all your pages.

To create and submit a sitemap for your Shopify store:

  1. Go to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Navigate to "Online Store" > "Preferences".
  3. Scroll down to the "Search engine listing preview" section.
  4. Ensure the "Allow search engines to index your website" checkbox is ticked.
  5. Save your changes.

Shopify automatically generates a sitemap for your store, which can be found at

To submit your sitemap to Google:

  1. Sign in to Google Search Console.
  2. Select your website property.
  3. Go to "Sitemaps" in the left sidebar.
  4. Enter your sitemap URL ( and click "Submit".

2. Optimize Your Shopify Store's Structure

A well-organized site structure helps Google understand and index your content more effectively.

Tips for optimizing your store structure:

  • Use a logical hierarchy for your product categories and collections.
  • Implement breadcrumbs to show the path to each page.
  • Create a clear and intuitive navigation menu.
  • Use descriptive URLs for your pages and products.

3. Improve Page Load Speed

Page load speed is a crucial factor for both user experience and search engine indexing. Faster-loading pages are more likely to be crawled and indexed efficiently.

To improve your Shopify store's load speed:

  • Optimize images by compressing them and using appropriate formats.
  • Minimize the use of apps and plugins that slow down your site.
  • Use a fast and responsive Shopify theme.
  • Enable Shopify's built-in content delivery network (CDN).

4. Create High-Quality, Unique Content

Google prioritizes indexing high-quality, unique content. Ensure your Shopify store provides value to visitors through:

  • Detailed and unique product descriptions.
  • Informative blog posts related to your niche.
  • Engaging landing pages for collections and promotions.
  • User-generated content like customer reviews and testimonials.

5. Implement Schema Markup

Schema markup helps search engines understand the content and context of your pages better, which can improve indexing and search result appearance.

For Shopify stores, consider implementing:

  • Product schema for individual product pages.
  • Organization schema for your store's information.
  • Review schema for customer reviews.

You can use Shopify apps or modify your theme code to add schema markup to your store.

6. Build Quality Backlinks

Backlinks from reputable websites can signal to Google that your content is valuable and worth indexing. Some strategies to build quality backlinks include:

  • Reach out to industry bloggers and influencers for collaborations.
  • Create shareable content that naturally attracts links.
  • Participate in relevant online communities and forums.
  • Consider guest posting on reputable sites in your niche.

7. Utilize Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful tool for monitoring and improving your site's presence in Google Search results. Use it to:

  • Monitor your site's indexing status.
  • Submit individual URLs for indexing.
  • Identify and fix indexing issues.
  • Analyze your site's search performance.

8. Leverage Social Media

While social media signals aren't a direct ranking factor, they can indirectly help with indexing by:

  • Increasing visibility and traffic to your site.
  • Encouraging social sharing, which can lead to natural backlinks.
  • Providing additional platforms for your content to be discovered.

9. Create an XML Sitemap for Your Blog

If you have a blog on your Shopify store, create a separate XML sitemap for your blog posts. This helps Google discover and index your latest content more quickly.

10. Use Canonical Tags

If you have multiple pages with similar content (e.g., product variations), use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version for indexing. This helps prevent duplicate content issues and ensures the right pages are indexed.

11. Implement Proper Redirects

When you change URLs or remove pages, implement proper 301 redirects to guide both users and search engines to the new location. This helps maintain your site's indexing status and preserves any existing SEO value.

12. Optimize Your Robots.txt File

Your robots.txt file tells search engines which parts of your site they should or shouldn't crawl. Ensure your robots.txt file is configured correctly to allow indexing of important pages while blocking unnecessary ones.

13. Use Internal Linking

Implement a strong internal linking structure within your Shopify store. This helps search engines discover and understand the relationship between your pages, improving overall indexing.

14. Monitor and Fix Crawl Errors

Regularly check Google Search Console for crawl errors and fix them promptly. Common issues include:

  • 404 errors (page not found)
  • Server errors
  • Redirect errors

Addressing these issues helps maintain a healthy, indexable website.

15. Create an HTML Sitemap

In addition to your XML sitemap, create an HTML sitemap that's accessible to both users and search engines. This provides an additional way for Google to discover and index your pages.

16. Optimize Meta Tags

While meta tags don't directly affect indexing, they can influence click-through rates from search results, which can indirectly impact indexing. Optimize your:

  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Header tags (H1, H2, etc.)

17. Use Google's URL Inspection Tool

Google Search Console's URL Inspection tool allows you to check the indexing status of specific URLs and request indexing for new or updated pages. Use this tool to:

  • Verify if a page is indexed
  • Submit individual pages for indexing
  • Identify and fix indexing issues for specific pages

18. Leverage Shopify's Built-in SEO Features

Shopify offers several built-in SEO features that can help with indexing:

  • Customizable title tags and meta descriptions
  • Automatic canonical tags
  • Customizable URL structures
  • Automatic generation of robot.txt and sitemap files

Make sure you're utilizing these features to their full potential.

19. Consider Using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Implementing AMP can improve your mobile page load speed, which may indirectly benefit indexing. While Shopify doesn't natively support AMP, there are third-party apps available that can help implement AMP on your store.

20. Regularly Update Your Content

Google favors fresh, updated content. Regularly update your product descriptions, blog posts, and other content to encourage more frequent crawling and indexing.

Speeding Up Google Indexing

While following the above steps will help ensure your Shopify website is properly set up for indexing, the process can sometimes take time. If you're looking to speed up the indexing process, you might want to consider using a service like Web Indexer. This tool can help accelerate Google search indexing for site owners, allowing you to get your pages indexed more quickly and efficiently.


Getting your Shopify website indexed by Google is a crucial step in improving your online visibility and driving organic traffic to your store. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your site is properly set up for indexing and improve your chances of appearing in relevant search results.

Remember that indexing is an ongoing process, and it's important to regularly monitor your site's performance in Google Search Console and make adjustments as needed. With patience and consistent effort, you can improve your Shopify store's visibility and attract more potential customers through organic search.

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